
inconel 625 fixadors en níquel

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71-625 fixen inconel en níquel

625 inconel fasteners in nickel

In what form is nickel alloy Inconel 625 available at SOONV?

Pipe & Tube (welded & seamless)

Quines són les característiques de Inconel 625?

Alta resistència a la ruptura de fluïdesa
Oxidació resistent a 1800 ° F
Es pot resistir a la corrosió per enganxar i engreixar l'aigua de mar
Escletxa immòbil a la corrosió per tensió iònica del clor
No magnètic

En quines aplicacions s’utilitza Inconel 625?

Sistemes de conductes d'aeronaus
Sistemes d’escapament del motor de raig
Sistemes d’inversió d’impulsió del motor
Equipament especialitzat en aigua de mar
Equips de procés químic

Fabrication with Inconel 625

Alloy 625 has excellent forming and welding characteristics. It may be forged or hot worked providing temperature is maintained in the range of about 1800-2150° F. Ideally, to control grain size, finish hot working operations should be performed at the lower end of the temperature range. Because of its good ductility, alloy 625 is also readily formed by cold working. However, the alloy does work-harden rapidly so intermediate annealing treatments may be needed for complex component forming operations. In order to restore the best balance of properties, all hot or cold worked parts should be annealed and rapidly cooled. This nickel alloy can be welded by both manual and automatic welding methods, including gas tungsten arc, gas metal arc, electron beam and resistance welding. It exhibits good restraint welding characteristics.